Prof. Duncan McDougall of the Plymouth State University of New Hampshire
Cutie Cards
Who is Edith? Illustrator and founder Cutie Cards Why and how did you get to Cutie Cards? I’ve always enjoyed drawing, so no matter what I did I’ve tried to keep drawing/illustration by my side. I’ve started with pencils, then moved to […]
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Într-o seară în Harvard Square
Pe Corneliu Porumboiu l-am întâlnit în prima seară de primavera adevărată. Fuma pe o bancă, sub o magnolia înflorită cu mare fast. Am rămas uimită de întâlnire, pentru că nu știam că se află în Cambridge și pentru că îl admir mult. […]
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Gaetana Brown and Little War Twins
I met Gaetana by chance, and I got under a spell. Of music and soul and of lessons on dreams and daily steps for achieving them…. She and the Little War Twins were giving a concert in the Hard Rock Café in […]
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Origami roses versus Harley Davidson
Young Kim started folding roses as a child, when he was giving them to colleagues at school, for Valentine’s Day, Christmas Time, or at the end of the school year. It started as a hobby, and then he be…gan folding them in […]
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