You’re right, Right behind the book covers lies the lock, All cleaned up from all the mess, All letters are now put in turns in a certain scientific order, Or medical order, like prescriptions in a drug store. No space for joking […]
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Poem 3
It’s fine for once, to build a network and build a nest, And have bare hands caressing my body in the moonlight Those are your hands and that is my body Rightfully mine and longingly yours to pamper and kiss and put […]
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Poem 2
Meaningless letters trashed about, Around bottomless glasses and rabbit holes, Gone through them, never reaching the other side, Or never knowing if they were ever to reach the other side. I saw myself at the counter the other day, Ordering a doughnut […]
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Poem 1
Dancing, jumping, dancing, jumping, Days of our lives, cluttered around A or B, Just laying there, fantasizing on which should be the case Or should have been. Loving complicated grammar constructions, You’re my adverb, you know? Tried to get you to become […]
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Ce am învățat din două ediții de TedX Brașov
Primul meu contact activ cu evenimentele TedX a avut loc în Londra, în noiembrie 2014. Am aflat de la o colegă de serviciu că se caută voluntari pentru TedX Tottenham și m-am înscris și eu. Ea se înscrisese deja de câtva timp, […]
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