Nimic nu mai poate fi la fel, și e bine. E toamnă în jurul nostru și e un nou început. De frunze galbene și portocalii și de ceruri mai presus de presusurile fiecăruia dintre noi. E o toamnă micuță, obișnuită, peste tot […]
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Categorie: Blog
Poem 7
I might say, I love autumn just as much as I am afraid of it, Of its coming and going, of its darkness and mischievous sun, Gazing from behind the clouds, Silver linings, they call them, As they wrap the umbrellas all […]
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Poem 6
When two souls meet, There are sometimes clashes of the unknown And sometimes clashes of the known altogether, There are chemical reactions ever there, in the mind, Maps rearranging themselves and countries fighting again for their lost territories, There are peace corps […]
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Poem 5
Your clock is never to stop and my arm is never to rest, And my hand is never to stop writing songs of the heart, For the ones around me, For myself, but especially for you, my friend, My soul mate and […]
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Poem 4
You’re right, Right behind the book covers lies the lock, All cleaned up from all the mess, All letters are now put in turns in a certain scientific order, Or medical order, like prescriptions in a drug store. No space for joking […]
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