Dreams, I believe, first appear in childhood when a child is first asked: ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ Answers can vary from things practically impossible, such as becoming superheroes to actual professions like a doctor or a […]
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About US education
Prof. Duncan McDougall of the Plymouth State University of New Hampshire https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=603063746415349&theater https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=603067426414981 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=603066519748405&theater https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=603066089748448&theater
Cutie Cards
Who is Edith? Illustrator and founder Cutie Cards Why and how did you get to Cutie Cards? I’ve always enjoyed drawing, so no matter what I did I’ve tried to keep drawing/illustration by my side. I’ve started with pencils, then moved to […]
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Într-o seară în Harvard Square
Pe Corneliu Porumboiu l-am întâlnit în prima seară de primavera adevărată. Fuma pe o bancă, sub o magnolia înflorită cu mare fast. Am rămas uimită de întâlnire, pentru că nu știam că se află în Cambridge și pentru că îl admir mult. […]
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Gaetana Brown and Little War Twins
I met Gaetana by chance, and I got under a spell. Of music and soul and of lessons on dreams and daily steps for achieving them…. She and the Little War Twins were giving a concert in the Hard Rock Café in […]
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